how to do keyword research | @urstewatia

Keyword research is a deeply technical process by which you research keywords that users type in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Baidu and use them all so that your website's pages will rank in the top 10 search engine results page (Literally called SERPs). Keyword research is the fundamental concept in SEO.

keyword research

Types of keywords?

Well? This is a common question that may come to the mind of every SEO expert (Especially Beginners). Generally, there are 11 types of keywords in SEO and these are as follow:

Short-Tail Keywords

Short-tail keywords are generally short in size and take less time to type in search engines like Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Bing. As their name suggests short-tail for their shortness. Their search traffic is very high but they are much competitive to rank for. 

Keywords like "computer" are very common and old so it is desirable to have more competitive and very hard to rank in the SERPs.

The conversion ratio is very less or limited due to their competition. But they increase more visibility of your website in the search results which means they also increase the productivity of your website.

So make sure to use such kinds of keywords in your posts. 

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords generally consist of more than 3 words. They are usually more specific than short-tail keywords. 

LT keywords have less search volume as compared to short-tail keywords. Even though they are less competitive than short-tail keywords

The most important thing need to remember is that with long-tail keywords you can easily rank your website which also increases/makes your website's authority.

NOTE:- Due to less competition, more SEO friendly,  low search volume the high conversion rate means if you use them in the post (Especially, in product page posts). 

Static Keywords

Static keywords mean they are static or fixed and can't be altered. They are highly competitive and very hard to rank for. 

For example, take a festival name "X-Mas or Chrismas". What this keyword is saying actually? 
this means that keyword is too much old so it is desirable to be competitive. 

Dynamic Keywords

Dynamic keywords mean they may change a specific word whether a short-tail or long-tail keyword. 

For example, BBC which is a news website i.e. if a keyword about Mr. Joe Biden is "Today Biden visits London for COP26 meeting" but later than a day or weeks or a couple of weeks a piece of breaking news about Mr. Joe Biden is "Today Biden meets to Mr. Tim Cook". So, the point that needs to remember is that a specific keyword is changed within a time-bound.


Short-term or fresh keywords are also a type of keywords generated recently or something that is trending.

For example, A movie which is released recently within 1 or 2 days. Now, with this, you can attract more or more new audiences to your website. 

They work great when your website has enough backlinks and when you create a nice and SEO-friendly post. Along with these, you can increase a lot of traffic which you have never expected.


Long-term keywords are generally those that are more relevant all the time. Sometimes their search volume can't be static (fixed) or maybe fluctuate but always be in the searches everywhere.

The point is about Long-term keywords is they attract competitive traffic because of fewer search volumes. But they also increase the authority of your website. 

The best part about these keywords is they are not needed to update regularly. Despite that, they only needed to update when they goes trending.

Content around long-term keywords tends to be more informative. Generally, they are used for educational content like TutorialsPoint, and GeeksforGeeks

The more educational content you put onto your web pages the higher chance of becoming an authoritative website is.

How to do keyword research?

Well, it is not a complex problem. You will need to use an essential keyword research tool to do so. Even though keyword research tool is the only tool by which you can completely optimize your website for SEO as well as ranking for the first page of the search engines. 

Why keyword research is important?

Well, Keyword research is the only way to figure out what people are actually typing or searching into search engines. The only thing you need to know is about the content that people are not looking for. In my initial days, I have done this. 

I created a lot of content but I didn't get traffic which I was expected from this.  Due to this reason, 90% of the websites do not get traffic from search engines. 

Keyword research resolves such questions that are related too.
  • How many people looking for such content?
  • What kind of content should I create to rank for this keyword?
  • How much traffic I will likely get if I rank for this keyword?
  • How hard will it be to rank for this keyword?
Points to remember in Keyword research and creating articles for that keyword:-
  1. Use Keyword Research Tool
  2. How to Find Keyword Ideas.
  3. Parsing the keywords
  4. Search Volumes
  5. Clicks
  6. Parsing Traffic
  7. Check KD 
  8. Check CPC
  9. How to target Lucrative Keywords.
  10. Some Extra but Free Tools
1. Use Keyword Research Tool
A keyword research tool is everything in this journey. Without a keyword tool, we can't analyze or research for any keyword. By using this we can easily navigate the whole website's data. 

I personally use Semrush for keyword research as well as checking other factors like Checking Backlinks, Checking Website Authority, Keyword Rank Checker, SERP Analysis, Checking Broken links, and much more. 

So, take advantage of them.

2. How To Find Keyword Ideas?
It's all starts with thinking about how potential customers might be searching for services like your organization provides. You can then use keyword tools to expand your business. 

Things keep in your mind.
  • You need to have good knowledge of your industry.
  • Also, need to learn the basics of keyword research and how keyword research tools work.

Understanding "Seed Keyword" | seed keywords meaning 

Wondering! what is seed keyword defines your niche and helps you to identify your competitor.
Every keyword tool asks for the seed keyword, which it then uses to generate a list of keyword ideas for your ranking.

For example, If your company selling Term-Insurence, Car-Insurence then the seed for your organization would be:-
  • Insurence
  • Financial Solutions
So, I think it would be enough. Make practice more and more to become experts in this field. 

3. Parsing the Keywords

Parsing or analyzing the keywords is not complicated at all. The task is very simple - Use SEO metrics to narrow things down and separate them before adding them to your content.

5 Important metrics in any keyword tool. 
  1. Search Volume
  2. Clicks
  3. Traffic
  4. Keyword Difficulty
  5. CPC(Cost Per Click)

3.1.  Search Volume:-

Search Volume metric shows how many times a particular keyword is searched in the last month or within a specific period of time. 

search volume | keyword research | semrush keyword tool

3.2 Clicks:-

Every day, people are using Google to for search something but it means that they click on every link (probably called search_results). Despite that, Only 60% of people click on the results.

For example, If there are 100k searches of a keyword. Then only 60-70% are people click on the results. So, here at this point "Clicks" metric play a major role. This metric shows you how many times a search result gets clicked over a specific period of time.

Pro Tip:- Make sure to use keywords that have more clicks in a specific time despite its search volume(Enough volume). Compare the search volume of the keyword with the clicks it gets. 

3.3 Traffic:- 

Now, Let's talk about the traffic potential of a keyword over a specific period of time. This part of metrics matters the most. Because if there are only ~200 searches for a keyword along with that it is also a short tail keyword then how much possibility is there that your website/blog can rank here.

What do you think? Whether you can rank or not. Probably not because the reason is traffic. Well, there are many factors on which your website's traffic depends. But the first and foremost factor is how clicks a keyword gets within a specific time-bound. Clicks play a major role in getting traffic. 

However, keep in your mind that if you rank for this keyword[Blogging], your page will also rank for some of its related queries or keywords. 
  • How to start blogging
  • How to start with blogging
  • What is blogging
  • What does mean of blogging
Analyze this part seriously, because the "Blogging" word is common in all above. So I think this would be enough.

3.4 Keyword Difficulty:-

Keyword difficulty means "how hard a keyword is"  by using this metric you can check any keyword difficulty using this

SEO professionals account for many factors to judge how hard or easy it'll be able to rank.
  • Number of Backlinks.
  • Domain Rating.
  • Content Size (Usually Content-Length).
  • Use of target keywords, synonyms.
  • Search Intent.
  • Etc.

3.5 CPC(Cost Per Click):-

Cost Per Click tells how much advertisers are willing to pay for a single click. This metric helps not only SEO professionals as well as advertisers. 

However, one important thing to know about the CPC is that it is much more volatile than search volume. While search volume particularly for a keyword may be the same for a while. But in the case of CPC, it is not the same as one. CPC rates always fluctuate even every day, hour, minute, or even second. 

What is CPC | CPC | Cost Per Click

In this snapshot, Take a look at the CPC Metrics. CPC for the time being for this keyword "Shoes under" is $0.05 which means advertisers have to pay this piece of money if they want to advertise for their product. 

NOTE:- CPC values that you see in the third-party tools are only snapshots. If you want real-time data then need to visit Google AdWords

 Get 7 Day Free Trial at SEMRush here. 

4. How to target Lucrative Keywords?

For every keyword on your list, you need to create the right content to address the right keyword. Want to know? How to do it. Well, here are only two simple steps you will need to follow. 

  • Identify the Parent Topic.
  • Identify Search Intent (Usually called Interests).
4.1 Identify the Parent Topic

Now, You might be thinking that should you create a page for a particular keyword or put all the keywords on a single page?

The answer is that it totally depends on how Google sees these keywords. Does Google see them as a part of the same topic or see them as an individual topic. Now you can get a sense of this by looking at the results.

Let's see an example of a keyword "Good hosting" and "Best hosting

Google ranking | google ranking factors
In this image, you can see the results that Google provides us both are the same with using different keywords. 

From the above image, we can easily understand here what is parent topic is. Here, Hosting is the parent topic, and the "Best Hosting" and "Goog Hosting" are the subtopic of the keyword "Hosting". 

For your ease, it would be a good decision to put all the related keywords in a single post rather than not creating a separate post for different keywords.

Here, the problem is only is that this process can take some time than other processes. 

4.2 Identify Search Intent

This part of targeting keywords with pages or posts that contains a particular product of your company. Here, you can categorize your own product with targeted keywords.

If you are running an online shoe store along with your blog. More likely, you have shoes from different brands like Puma, Addidas, Reebok, Nike, and much more. At this point, you only need to categorize them in a good manner so that they can be easily understandable by your customers. 

google search | ranking factors | keyword research

Now, in the above image, you can see with keyword "Nike shoes under 100 dollars". With such types of keywords, you can put them into a post to showcase your own store's products. 

You can see all these websites has created posts using this keyword in all the post. Google is ranking them in an effective manner which increases more productivity to its user. 

Search Engines understand intents in a different and effective manner. If you also want to sustain your website on the first page. You also have to create almost the same content that competitors have.  

Don't create a page with Long-tail keywords. Always use a short-tail or single-word keyword for the name of the page.  "I don't about other researchers or professionals but this method I told from my own experience"

Results that we see on google are called SERPs (Literally called Search Engine's Results Page) 

From here, you can analyze what we like to invoke 3 C's of the search intent to learn how best to target the keywords:

  • Content-Type
  • Content Angle
  • Content Format

4.2.1 Content-Type

Content types usually fall into one of 5 categories: Blog posts, Products, categories, Landing Pages, or Videos.

4.2.2 Content Angle

Content angle is the main point of selling your product within your content. For your better understanding take an example of "How to make a chocolate cake" so here, if you write a high-quality article regarding this keyword and its neighborhood keywords and you showcase your product within that post. Then there will be more chance that visitors can read your article as well as they can make some purchase. 

4.2.3 Content Format

The content format means providing "Informational and easily understandable" content. These are typically from how-to, news articles, opinions, and reviews.

Extra Free Keyword Research and Website Monitoring Tools

Google Keyword Planner:- This tool gives you qualitative and unique keyword suggestions and up-to-date CPC values

Google Trends:- Google trends give you what's trending now in your country. Whether news, science fiction, sports news, and much more.  

Google Search Console:- Google Search Console gives you access to your website. You can completely navigate your website. 


So, In this post, we have learned Types of Keywords, Keyword Research, Some Advanced Keyword Research Tools (including Free and Paid), and other SEO-related factors.

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